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[Owner car review]

Creating Owner car review

Oct. 10, 2021, 4:09 p.m., Sun, KST.

After login, under the Community menu. Clicking the 'Owner car review' will show the listing page with 'Add' link in the page title. Click the 'Add' link and follow the on screen steps.

Important ! Users need to register cars first before review. See 'Register as bekomcar' page for details.

Under 'Basic Information' tab

  1. bekomcar*  You may select your car.
  2. Title* Title of the review.
  3. Recommend*Would you recommend this car to your friends?
  4. Photo*  Best looking photo of your review car.
  5. Verdict. So, what is your final verdict of the review.
  6. Pros.All the good things about the car.
  7. Cons.All the things you are not happy with.
  8. Details. The very details of your review.
  9. Video URL. If you need video review, you may upload your video to Youtube, copy and paste the full URL.

Under 'Ratings tab'

You may rate each of below from 5~1, 5 being the best.

  1. Value.
  2. Reliability
  3. Performance
  4. Maintenance
  5. Comfort
  6. Styling
  7. Fuel efficiency
  8. Technology

Under 'More Reviews' tab

Upload more image at least 900px size in width.

  1. Photo 2
  2. Photo 3
  3. Photo 4
  4. Photo 5

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