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[공통, 자동차기본 이해]

Basic Engine Components

편집일: 2021년 11월 20일 12:26 오후

Basic Engine Components by PCC AST Engine Performance is the tutorial for average users. Highly recommend the tutorial for the basic understanding of the internal combustion engne.

대외적 공개시 꼭 출처를 표시한다.

The valve should open or close at the perfect timing, controlled by timing belt

Interference and non interference engines

  1. Valve. Valve springs, keep the intact, pull all back to the original position.

  2. Rocker arm. This opens the vavle. 1.5~1.7 ratio leveraging rocker arm movement instead of the camshaft.

  3. Flywheel, Manual gear. Rather heavy, keeps the balance good.

  4. Flex plate. This is for automatic transmission. Quite light Why? Because AT uses torque converter for the mass.





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