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Oscilloscope CC65 AC/DC Current Clamp Probe

2024년 2월 27일 2:11 오후, 화요일, KST. 문선주

Hantek Oscilloscope CC65 AC/DC Current Clamp Probe 20KHz/400Hz Bandwidth 1mV/10mA 65A with BNC Plug Applicable 1008C.

2 886


Oscilloscope CC65 AC/DC Current Clamp Probe|베콤카 중고차구매진단
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제조사:Hantek (China)
규격 및 사양:Hantek Oscilloscope CC65 AC/DC Current Clamp Probe 20KHz/400Hz Bandwidth 1mV/10mA 65A with BNC Plug Applicable 1008C
장점:입증된 안정성
Top Image-Oscilloscope CC65 AC/DC Current Clamp Probe|베콤카 중고차구매진단 Bottom Image-Oscilloscope CC65 AC/DC Current Clamp Probe|베콤카 중고차구매진단 Left Image-Oscilloscope CC65 AC/DC Current Clamp Probe|베콤카 중고차구매진단 Right Image-Oscilloscope CC65 AC/DC Current Clamp Probe|베콤카 중고차구매진단 Front Image-Oscilloscope CC65 AC/DC Current Clamp Probe|베콤카 중고차구매진단 Rear Image-Oscilloscope CC65 AC/DC Current Clamp Probe|베콤카 중고차구매진단릴레이점퍼랑|베콤카 중고차구매진단
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