[Common, Coolant/ Antifreeze]
What are the antifreeze coolant types?
There are about four main automobile antifreeze coolant types. They have different colors and chemical properties. Also, latest electric or hybrid vehicles may use separate coolant for cooling down the battery pack. Please refer to your own vehicle manual.

Coolant types and characteristics.
Choosing the right coolant type plays important roles in prevention of engion corrosion and longevity of cooling system and engine. Therefore, always refer to your own vehicle's maintenance guide for the right type of coolant.
IAT – Inorganic Additive Technology.Green colored coolant requires frequent change of coolant.
OAT – Organic Acid Technology.OAT coolant generally has orange, yellow, red or purple color and are not compatible with other coolant types. Coolant change in every five years or 80,000km. OAT is generally used in General Motors vehicles.
HOAT – Hybrid Organic Acid Technology.Mostly orange and yellow in color used by Crysler and Ford vehicles. Coolant changes in every five years or 80,000km
Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Cooling Systems.Hybrid vehicles have separate cooling system for battery pack. Only vehicle specific coolant should be used.
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