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[Common, Battery]

Replacing the battery while maintaining existing configuration data

Edit Date: Dec. 22, 2021, 12:39 p.m.

Replacing batteries without losing configuration data including as mileage data and other setting data. You just need to maintain electricity supplied to the car charging system. First, buy a 9V-battery and connect + - to the cable, plus to plus and minus to minus. The important thing is to have a steady supply of electricity.

Be careful not to short-circuit. Follow the battery removal order
Parts and tools required for the tutorial
1. 10mm 6 point magnetic socket
Replacing the battery while maintaining existing configuration data, None|


A 9V battery and a 10mm spanner are essential, and the others will make the job easier.

  1. 9V battery
  2. 9V plus minus terminal connector
  3. Alligator clip (used for connecting 9V battery and vehicle battery)
  4. 10mm spanner (used for battery removal)

Connecting 9V to vehicle battery

  1. Connect the 9V plus terminal to the vehicle battery plus cable.
  2. Connect the 9V minus to the car battery minus cable.
  3. Plus terminal must be connected to the vehicle battery cable, not to the battery post.

Removing the car battery

  1. Disconnect the negative terminal using a 10mm spanner.
  2. Disconnect the positive terminal using a 10mm spanner.
  3. Remove the battery retainer. Usually 8mm, 10mm, or 12mm bolts or nuts are used.
  4. Make sure that the connection between the 9V battery and the battery cable is connected at all times during this process.

Connecting the car battery

  1. Connect the positive terminal of the new battery first.
  2. Then connect the negative terminal.
  3. Securely tighten the battery cables.
  4. Make sure to connect the plus terminal first to prevent sparks.
  5. After battery installation, remove the 9V battery. When disconnecting the battery, remove minus cable first.

Verify the job

  1. Start the engine and check the driving mileage and setting values.
  2. Measure the battery voltage before starting. Make sure it is at least 12.45V.
  3. After starting, measure the voltage in idle state. In general, check if it is 13.*V or more.
  4. After starting, measure the voltage at about 2500 RPM. In general, check if it is 14.3V or higher.
  5. For reference, there may be a significant difference in the voltage measured depending on the vehicle's charging system.

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