[Common, Emergency cases]
Low engine oil pressure
If you see low engine oil pressure light on your dashboard, please safely park the car and check your oil level. Add engine oil if too low and have your vehicle checked by your favorite mechanic as soon as possible.

If the low pressure engine oil warning light is continuously displayed while driving, stop at the nearest safe location for emergency road side assistance. The warning light means the engine oil is very low or the pressure is not enough, or the oil pressure sensor is malfunctioning.
If it appears and disappears momentarily, the probability of sensor failure is high. Either way it is strongly advised to check and repair the vehicle as soon as possible.
Rarely, it can be caused by a clogged engine oil strainer, which actually is the first oil filter in the oil pan. In case of Honda, there are several possibilities, such as the VTEC rocker arm oil filter and the VTC oil filter as well. BMW has a possibility of Vanos issue. Each vehicle may have its own characteristics.
There may also be a bad engine oil filter. However, with good oil filters, it should not be the problem because the oil filter has a bypass function. Bypass function allows oil to pass through without filtering if the filter gets clogged. This is one of the reasons why you should use a good engine oil filter.
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