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[Common, Coolant/ Antifreeze]

Coolant/antifreeze check

Edit Date: Aug. 5, 2022, 8:10 a.m.

Antifreeze or coolant cools down engine heat from the internal combustion. This is a very important maintenance item to avoid any unwanted situations.

Do not open the radiator cap when the engine is hot. Use coolant that meets your vehicle requirements.
Coolant/antifreeze check, None|

Below are the general antifreeze coolant maintenance guideline.

  1. Locate the coolant reservoir and make sure the coolant level is between the Min and Max lines.
  2. If it is below the Min line, add coolant to the Max line.
  3. In an emergency, use distilled water from a pharmacy or use tap water.
  4. Do not use bottled water as it contains minerals and may corrode.
  5. Check the coolant reservoir and radiator for any oil floating.


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