[Common, Before starting]
Commo mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes during car repair. This includes dropping bolts or nuts into the engine bay, cross threading by excessive force, and breaking plastic fasteners when removing them. Learn from others and reduce mistakes.

Always refer to your vehicle manual
Remember to refer to owner's manual for the basic vehicle maintenance. And if necessary, refer to the service manual as well. A maintenance manual or service manual is very important. In particular, the torque value is important, so it should be taken into account.
Do not drop the bolt
This is a very common mistake in the beginning. Be careful in the last step in the process of removing the bolts. Ensure to hold the bolt with your fingers and finally remove the bolt to prevent dropping. Try to use magnetic socket if at all possible. Most Asian engine rooms use 10mm, 12mm, and 14mm sockets.
Avoid cross threading bolts and nuts
Cross threading is another most common mistake. In some cases, the oil drain plug bolt may be tightened too hard. In such a case, the oil pan nut gets cross threaded throwing big challenges. When removing the valve cover, pay attention to the torque to avoid the engine block nut cross threading.
Learn how to remove connectors & plastic fasteners
When changing the engine oil, including the bumper, the protective cover under the vehicle must be removed. In this case, the plastic fasteners need to be removed. However, it is often difficult to remove them if you do not know how they are fastened. And fastners are easily broken. Once you know how to remove them, removing them is very simple. So make sure you learn how to remove the connectors and fastners.
Tools should be placed on a separate workbench
Bolts or other tools are often left in the engine bay while working. In this case, there is a good chance where you accidentally hit them. In that case, the bolts in the engine bay will drop into the engine bay. This could become a nightmare. Therefore, prepare a work table to prevent such mistakes.
Learn basic vehicle maintenance knowledge
Many try to do car repair without the very basic maintenance on the vehicle. In this case, the vehicle may be damaged. Learn the minimum vehicle maintenance knowledge first. After that, you have to do the vehicle maintenance. There are many vehicle maintenance information sources including YouTube. Some tutorials are not properly done. Therefore, try to learn from a reliable source whenever possible.
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