All in all, your safety comes first. Also, not damaging your vehicle also matters as well. Learn the basics of safety before any car maintenance. Simple mistakes could cause injury or damage to the vehicle.

Always read your vehicle's safety guidelines before any work. Read the safety manuals of all products and equipment in use. Right tools help you work safer and faster.
[Common] Safety first & prevent vehicle damage
Edit Date: Feb. 18, 2022, 2:46 p.m.Your safety is the top priority. Also, any repair work should not damage the vehicle. Before any work, ensure that you first re…[Common] How to safely use jack and jack stands
Edit Date: Aug. 31, 2021, 10:54 a.m.Car lift can be tricky and dangerous. So, please refer to your vehicle repair manual first. Normally, jack points are very simila…
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