Refer to your owner's manual for correct coolant specifications. Along with coolant, proper care of radiator cap and thermostat also matters. Keep the coolant between minimum and maximum line in the coolant reservoir tank.

Refer to your own vehicle manual for required tools.
Using the wrong coolant may result in corrosion in the radiator systems. Do not use mineral water. For emergency, use distilled water or tap water.
Edit Date: Aug. 5, 2022, 8:10 a.m.(All)[Common] Coolant/antifreeze checkAntifreeze or coolant cools down engine heat from the internal combustion. This is a very important maintenance item to avoid any…[Common] What are the antifreeze coolant types?
Edit Date: Aug. 5, 2022, 8:03 a.m.There are about four main automobile antifreeze coolant types. They have different colors and chemical properties. Also, latest e…
Edit Date: Aug. 6, 2022, 9 p.m.(All)[Common] 전압측정으로 냉각수 교환시점 파악부동액 혹 냉각수 는 엔진내부의 냉각수가 어는것을 방지하고 열을 식히고 전기분해로 인한 엔진부식을 막는데 한 역할을 한다. 매우 중요한 정비항목이다. 엔진이 제대로 작동되기 위하여 꼭 필요한 정비이다. 측정 전압은 0.40VDC이하…