Brake fluid is important for safety, and contaminated brake fluid can lead to malfunctions such as expensive ABS. DOT3, DOT4 and DOT5.1 are compatible, but DOT5 is not compatible with any of DOT3, 4 or 5.1. DOT3 is sufficient for general use, and DOT4 is good for high-speed driving. It is recommended to change brake fluid every two years.

Refer to your own vehicle manual for required tools.
Using the wrong brake fluid could damage the brake system. Do not mix DOT3, DOT4, DOT5.1 with DOT5.0 Wipe out any brake fluid spill right away to avoid paint corrosion
[Common] Brake fluid maintenance
Edit Date: June 19, 2022, 3:36 p.m.Brake fluid is directly related to safety. This is a very important maintenance work. Also, unproperly maintained brake fluid cou…[Honda] 8th Gen Civic 2.0 brake fluid bleeding
Edit Date: Aug. 13, 2021, 7:40 a.m.Genuine Honda brake fluid DOT3 or DOT4 x 2 bottles, a total of 1Liter. Make sure brake fluid in the master cylinder never drops b…[Common] What are the DOT3, DOT4, DOT5.1 brake fluid differences?
Edit Date: Oct. 13, 2021, 12:36 p.m.Brake fluids are categorized by applications, fluid nature, color, dry boiling point and wet boiling point. Most commonly used …
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