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[Common, Battery]

Battery maintenance basics

Edit Date: Sept. 11, 2022, 7:28 a.m.

Battery health matters in modern vehicles using many computer systems including sensors. A normal battery is around 12.6V when fully charged. There is also 48V depending on the vehicle, so refer to each vehicle's manual.

In case of battery failure, various sensors may malfunction.
Battery maintenance basics, None|

Routine basic maintenane items

  1. The battery terminals are often loose. Grab the connector and wiggle around for any loose connections. Tighten the connectors firmly with typically 10mm spanner or socket.
  2. Remove rust or white powder from the terminal post. Because it interferes with the flow of stable electricity supply to the vehicle.
  3. Clean and wipe the out any dust on the battery top and the cover. This will help prevent the parasitic current draw.

(1) How to check if battery connectors are tight

Grab the plus (positive) connector and wiggle around for any loose connections.-
Grab the minus (negative) connector and wiggle around for any loose connections.-


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