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[Honda, Brake fluid]

8th Gen Civic 2.0 brake fluid bleeding

Edit Date: Aug. 13, 2021, 7:40 a.m.

Genuine Honda brake fluid DOT3 or DOT4 x 2 bottles, a total of 1Liter. Make sure brake fluid in the master cylinder never drops below minimum line. That will bring in air to the brake system. Unlike other vehicles, Honda's bleeding process starts from driver side front left, front right, rear right, rear left.

Use genuine Honda brake fluid DOT3 or DOT4 Avoid brake fluid on any plastic or paint surface, if in contact wipe out immediately Take safety caution, avoid fluid contact with eyes and skins.
8th Gen Civic 2.0 brake fluid bleeding, None|

There are three ways to bleed the brake fluid. One is to use the machine to do the bleeding. Second is the two-persons process and the last one is the one man process. This is for two-persons process.

Take out as much old brake fluid as possible using turkey baster or syringe or your favorite method. Put the old fluid in to the bottle. Get your clean transparent tube submerged into the bottom of the bottle with old fluid. This will prevent air travel back to the bleeding screw.

For Honda, start bleeding from the driver side, front right, rear right rear left order. Yes, it is uncommon. But that is what the service manual recommends for most Honda vehicles. So, again it is important to refer to your vehicle service manual first.

One person break lose the bleeding screw just slightly so that brake fluid could flow out of the hose. One person press the brake pedal a few times.Then, closely monitor the old fluid coming out of the system into the transparent hose. After each trial, make sure the master cylinder fluid level never drops below the minimum line. Top off more brake fluid to the maximum level. Start bleeding the brake fluid again and repeat the process untill clean brake fluid comes out to the hose. If you see air bubble in the hose, that means there is air in the system. Bleed it out till no air bubbles are seen in the fluid.

After finishing bleeding all four wheels, close the bleeding screws. As the final step, make sure to push the brake pedal a few times or several times to build up the enough pressure in the brake system before driving.


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Feb. 18, 2022, 3:20 p.m. - SunJoo Moon moderator  
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