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[Toyota, Spark plug & coil replacement]

6th & 7th generation Camry 2.5L (2AZ-FE)

(2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 201, 2016)
Edit Date: Aug. 25, 2021, 11:32 a.m.

Spark plug required is Denso #SK16HR11 with 19Nm (14lbs ft) torque. Remove 10mm nuts and bolts for engine cover, coil pack and battery terminal. Coil pack connectors are very fragile. Use 16mm spark plug socket with 3/8" or 1/2" ratchets.

When disconnecting the battery, minus terminal first When connecting the battery, plus terminal first. Use Denso or NGK only. Toyota coil pack connector is rather fragile. So, just remove the bolts and pull all the coils out together without disconnecting the connectors.
6th & 7th generation Camry 2.5L (2AZ-FE), None|

Tools & torque

1. Spark plug torque is 19Nm (14lbs ft)
2. 10mm nuts or bolts for engine cover, coil pack and battery terminal
3. Torque wrench, 10mm socket
4. Denso spark plug, SK16HR11


  1. Disconnect the battery, minus first and then positive terminals
  2. Remove the engine cover, two 10mm nuts or just 3 grommits.
  3. Remove 10mm bolt to remove coil pack.
  4. Extreme care in disconnection will be no good. The clip just would breake.
  5. 16mm (5/8") Spark plug socket to remove the spark plugs. Just 5" extension is good enough.

Note. Toyota coil pack connector is rather fragile. So, just remove the bolts and pull all the coils out together without disconnecting the connectors. That is an option as well, use your own judgement.

Coil gasket should be removed as well. Coil order does not matter.  Some recent models need 14mm socket with 8mm coil pack nuts. Genuine spark plugs come with pre gapped.

(1) Remove Camry2.5 battery connectors

For safety, first remove the battery minus connector and then the positive connector. Use 10mm spanner.-

(2) Remove Camry2.5 engine design cover

There are three grommets holding the engine cover. Just pull off the cover gently.-
Engine cover grommets located front center-
Engine cover grommets located rear left-
Engine cover grommets located rear right-

(3) Remove Camry2.5 coil packs

The first and third black connector tips are quite fragile. Remove 10mm bolts that hold the coil packs.-
Pull off the coil packs gently. There are four coil packs. Just wiggle around to pull off the coil packs.-
Remove all four coil packs and do visual inspection of the coils if there are any contaminants.-

(4) Remove Camry2.5 spark plugs

Remove the spark plugs after removing the coil pack. Use 16mm spark plug socket with 3/8" or 1/2" ratchets.-
Check the spark plug electrode, any oil, carbon powder, and other contaminants.-
After removing all the spark plugs, get new spark plugs ready for the installation.-

(5) Installing Camry2.5 spark plugs

Make sure the new spark plugs are the same as the installed one.-
Using magnetic spark plug socket, gently insert the spark plug, snug the plug. Repeat this for all four spark plugs.-
Using the torque wrench, torque the spark plug to 19Nm (14lbs ft). Do not over tighten the spark plugs. No anti seize lubrication is needed.-
Then insert all the four coil packs gently. Ensure you hear 'click' sound when inserting the coil packs. Tighten the 10mm bolts. Just snug the bolts.-

(6) Finish Camry2.5 spark plug replacement

Put back the engine design cover. Just put the cover matching each corner, matching the grommets. Gently push the design cover to be seated firmly.-


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