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bekomcar Health Checkup

Knowing the condition of the vehicle and managing it well is the shortcut to saving money and using the vehicle for a long time. From the full system diagnosis of the diagnosis machine to the condition of various oil and lower body, the service is called 'bekomcar Health Checkup'. It is recommended that all vehicles undergo a bekomcar health checkup once a year.
bekomcar Health Checkup |

bekomcar Health Checkup

Knowing the condition of the vehicle and managing it well is the shortcut to saving money and using the vehicle for a long time. From the full system diagnosis of the diagnosis machine to the condition of various oil and lower body, the service is called 'bekomcar Health Checkup'. It is recommended that all vehicles undergo a Becomcar health checkup once a year.

bekomcar Health Checkup background

If cancer is detected at an early stage through a health check-up, the treatment success rate, time, and cost are all beneficial. vehicle is the same. In most used cars, the engine condition continues to deteriorate even if there is no fault code. In particular, for vehicles exceeding 50,000 km, we recommend the Becomcar health checkup.

bekomcar Health Checkup benefits

Simple. cost can be reduced. Save time. It can also reduce stress a lot. And above all, if vehicle management can be systematically managed, it can be managed on the bekomcar website anytime using a mobile phone.

Is maintenance impossible without a fault code?

Most of the official dealers do not perform maintenance well unless there is a fault code. However, from the driver's point of view, there is clearly something strange about the vehicle. Significant maintenance costs can occur when a fault code occurs. Even if there is no fault code, it is possible to check the condition of the vehicle. It is possible to determine the abnormality through the analysis of the core sensor values. Of course, it is difficult to solve 100% of the problems, but it is possible to analyze most of the issues that occur in the majority of old cars.

Importance of LTFT value in 'bekomcar Health Checkup'

For example, there is no special fault code. Therefore, the manufacturer's A/S center or most general imported car repair shops do not perform maintenance. There is a fuel correction value (short-term STFT & long-term LTFT) in the bekomcar inspection item. Among the fuel correction values, LTFT is an indicator that can determine the engine condition of a vehicle at a glance. In particular, it shows the overall dynamics of various fuel systems, sensors, and air. Compared to humans, the LTFT value is one of the overall measurement values ​​such as blood pressure, diabetes, and liver.

LTFT value is one of the most important indicators

If it is more than +-10.0%, it is judged that there is an issue. This is a situation in which output abnormality, fuel efficiency decrease, oxygen sensor and catalyst damage, etc. are gradually progressing beyond the air-fuel ratio. There are vehicles with over -35.0% of the inspection vehicles. If this condition is continuously left unattended, expensive maintenance such as oxygen sensor and catalyst can be brought about. It is not uncommon to even scrap a car due to high maintenance costs.

Main check items for bekomcar Health Checkup

The inspection items are decided in consideration of the high diseases of each vehicle. However, most internal combustion engines have the same application. Among them, let’s take a look at the key items to be checked. However, traces of time such as exterior paint scratches are excluded from the inspection.

1) Full System Diagnosis (Full diagnosis of vehicle electrical equipment)

The electrical equipment used for each vehicle is different. In the case of the latest Mercedes-Benz, there are cases where there are more than 100 ECUs. Also, in the early 2000s, there were often fewer than 10 ECUs. In the bekomcar Health Checkup, the overall vehicle status (especially, electrical, electronic, sensors, etc.) is identified and provided as a PDF file with the full system diagnosis of the vehicle.

2) Analysis of STFT & LTFT (short-term & long-term) related to air-fuel ratio

LTFT measurements and analysis offers us insight into the engine status. Through LTFT value analysis, it is possible to identify the fuel economy state, output state, oxygen sensor, MAP sensor, MAF sensor, injector, fuel supply system, spark plug, ignition coil, cylinder compression, valve gap state, catalyst state, etc.  LTFT is especially important because it not only improves fuel efficiency, but also significantly reduces maintenance costs in the future.


3) Check the electric charging system

In particular, in recent vehicles, it can be said that the electric device controls the vehicle. And the key here is the engine computer (ECM) and various sensors. All communication between the sensor and the ECM is an electrical signal. As low as 0.2VDC to 0.9VDC. It means that ECM performs signal processing based on electrical signals that are less than 1.0VDC. Therefore, it is most important to check the electrical condition between the main points such as the battery and the alternator. The main check item for the bekomcar Health Checkup is the electrical system (charging system).

4) Inspection of oil leaks in engine room and lower body

Vehicles with each vehicle's age are chronic leaks. There is a leaking part. Considering the characteristics of each vehicle, check the engine room and lower body for leaks and leaks to reduce fatal damage to the vehicle.

Consultation on inspection items for each customer by vehicle

bekomcar's health checkup is mainly specialized for 'internal combustion engine gasoline vehicles'. Diesel engines, hybrids, and electric vehicles may have differences in inspection items and methodologies. Therefore, it is possible to determine the items of physical examination and examination through prior consultation.

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    점화플러그를 예방차 교화하려고 했으나, 진단 후 교체하는걸로 의견을 제시 해 주셔서 진단을 하였습니다.

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    2 years, 7 months ago jncwk3
    1 1,931

bekomcar is your life long used car partner

Used car pre-purchase inspection, car repair, car resell and export car services.

bekomcar provides reliable used car pre-purchase inspection, oil change, and resell services.


  1. Pre-purchase inspection of used cars
  2. bekomcar Health Checkup
  3. bekomcar academy
  4. Other car related services

bekomcar friends

  1. Honda Club. The leading Honda club representing all Honda cars.

Repair Q&A

  1. 배터리 상태를 파악하는 가장 확실한 방법이 무엇이 있을까요? 배터리 교체를 해야 한다고 하는데 교환시점이 되었는지 궁금합니다.
  2. 혼다 어코드 10세대 머플러에 물 이 차서 철렁거리는데 어떻게 빼낼까요?
  3. 현대자동차 스팅어 3.3 P007800 배기밸브 제어 솔레노이드 회로 이상(뱅크1) 고장코드 스캔됩니다.블로우밸브 맵센서 솔레노이드 교환했는데 여전합니다.
  4. BMW 2015년 640i N55엔진 점화코일 교환하고 점화플러그 랑 인젝터 다 교환했는데 아주 간헐적 실화랑 부조가 발생합니다.
  5. 쉐보레 임팔라 3.6 16년식입니다. 중고차로 구매하였고 몇가지 문제점을 느껴 질문드립니다. 데이터값은 토크프로 어플로 자주 확인하는데 Evap 값이 항상 - 값으로 나옵니다. - 로 표츌된다는건 퍼지밸브가 열린상태로 고착되었다고 판단할수 있을까요?어쩌다가 한번씩 + 값이 되는걸 볼수 있는데 거의 드뭅니다. 그리고 시트 툭툭 치는 증상이 느껴져 점화코일, 점화플러그, 엔진마운트 4종, 엔진오일 교체 하고 증상 많이 개선되었으나 강도의 차이만 있을뿐 여전히 느껴집니다. 이 증상 때문에 데이터값을 유심히 보다보니 뱅크1 뱅크2 양쪽 연료분사 시간이 차이가 나며 장기연료 보정 값도 뱅크1 뱅크2 차이가 나는걸 확인하였습니다. 연료분사시간 - 뱅크1 0.8 / 뱅크2 0.9 장기연료보정 - 뱅크1 -6 ~ -10 / 뱅크2 ± 2내외 퍼지밸브 값이 정상인지 아닌지 이로 인해서 연료분사 시간과 장기연료보정 값이 영향을 받고 있는 것인지 궁금합니다. 시트 툭툭 치는 증상도 이로 인해 발생할수 있는지도 궁금합니다.
  6. BMW 528i xDrive 2012년 실화, 다수의 실린더: 감지됨 및 3번 실린더 실화 그리고 다수의 실린더: 분사 OFF 됨 등 고장코드가 있어요. 이미 헤드리빌드, 터보차져교환, 점화코일 점화플러그 교환했어요.
  7. 2020년 쉐보레 트래버스 고장코드가 EBCM (전자 브레이크 컨트롤 모듈) 'C0800-03 컨트롤모듈 전원회로 - 전압낮음' 에러코드가 스캔됩니다.

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