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[Honda, Automatic transmission fluid (ATF)]

2008 Civic SI ATF filter and ATF replacement

(2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013)
Edit Date: June 20, 2022, 12:59 p.m.

Unlike 8th generation Honda Civic 1.8L, Civic SI offers easier ATF filter location, which is right above the front jack point. Use genuine Honda ATF-DW1 and ATF filter 25430-PLR-003.

Torque the ATF drain plug to 49Nm Use genuine Honda ATF-DW1 and ATF filter part number 25430-PLR-003
Parts and tools required for the tutorial
1. 3/8" 플렉시블 라쳇 2. Multipurpose torque wrench 10Nm~150Nm
2008 Civic SI ATF filter and ATF replacement, None|

(1) First drain automatic transmission fluid (ATF)

Using 3/8" ratchet, remove the ATF drain plug and drain out the ATF. And tighten the drain plug to 49Nm. If you are reusing the crush washer, then torque the drain plug to 53~55Nm. Clean the area with brake cleaner and cloth.-

(2) Locate the ATF filter and remove the bracket bolt

There is one bolt holding the bracket to the body. And this bracket is holding the ATF filter. Unscrew the left bolt which holds the bracket to the body.-

(3) Pull the ATF filter off the bracket

To the left of the ATF bracket, follow the ATF hose and disconnect the hose fastener clip using the small flat screw driver. Then, pull off the entire ATF with bracket.-

(4) Replace and reinstall the ATF filter

Using the long nose or regular pliers, remove the clamps on both ends of the filter, replace the filter and clamp the hose tightly. Put back the ATF bracket, fasten the bolt.-

(5) Clean off the area, fill up the ATF

After reinstalling the ATF filter, clean the area with brake cleaner and cloth. Refill the ATF and verify the ATF level using the ATF dip stick.-


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