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Maintenance & repair service

Inspection request due to oil consumption

Dec. 13, 2021, 2:23 p.m., Mon, KST. , aslan01
I used bekomcar service for the first time, but it seems to be better than the dealer. There was a …
Inspection request due to oil consumption|
Service: Maintenance & repair service
Car: [RL], HONDA, 2006, 레전드
What I like most:

I used bekomcar service for the first time, but it seems to be better than the dealer. There was a check-list in advance, so they checked the overall condition of the car, starting with the battery.

The problem with my car has recently been that it consumes a lot of oil.

In my short opinion, I thought it was oil consumption due to the guide rubber of the valve, the piston ring sticking, and the piston drain hole clogging. In this state, it was almost a situation in which engine boring had to be done at a higher cost than the car price.

1) When the OBD center measurement value is over-injected in bank 1 (cylinders 1,2,3)
2) Bank 2 (Cylinder No. 6) oil burning traces
3) As a result of comprehensive review of the fact that the gap between the piston and the partition wall is not large as a result of the bank 2 (cylinder No. 6) endoscopy result

It was decided to perform valve clearance adjustment and spark plug replacement primarily.

Fortunately, the engine condition was good, and it was good to have a way to extend the life of the vehicle with a small amount of money.

The boss is building a database for each vehicle, so you will be able to receive a lot of advice on vehicle preventive maintenance through data and know-how such as high disease based on the model year and mileage of the vehicle.

Thank you!

Recommend to friends Yes
Author: aslan01
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Dec. 15, 2021, 12:47 p.m. - 문, 선주  
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