Car buying guide
How to find out used car collision history?
Aug. 9, 2021, 10:38 a.m., Mon, KST. SunJoo Moon
This is one of the trickiest things in all used car inspection. Nothing can be 100% sure but there are some common ways to find out car collision. First use the car history, statutory inspection report and look for specific spots for collision marks including fender bolts, door panel, A. B. C pillars, etc.

Below inspection points are not all. But they will give you the major collision history status.

Check engine room left and right fender bolts. Are they intact with original paint without any scratch?

For front collision, check the bumper, bottom of bumper, radiator, radiator support frame and overall front frame.

Check if all four door bolts are intact without any paint strip off and no round off marks on the bolts and nuts.

Check if all four A, B, C pillar panels are intact and look original without any bent, welding spot and any uneven spots.
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